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Old Nov 04, 2011, 07:44 PM // 19:44   #41
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Originally Posted by il Priscilla il View Post
Or not skipping the cinematic cuz u honestly hadn't seen it yet
Well, to be fair, back in the day it was necessary if you had a minion master in your party: the minions would be attacking your party during the cinematic, and once it was done, you'd discover the party was wiped out!
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Old Nov 04, 2011, 09:12 PM // 21:12   #42
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by Saldonus Darkholme View Post
Well, to be fair, back in the day it was necessary if you had a minion master in your party: the minions would be attacking your party during the cinematic, and once it was done, you'd discover the party was wiped out!
You know, i wonder why Anet still hasn't fixed the whole "minions messing up cutscenes" thing
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Old Nov 04, 2011, 09:49 PM // 21:49   #43
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Favorite Things Then: Presearing! Grouping with players, so much life in grouping. Minion Masters dominating with millions of minions! Cyclone Axe W/Mo farming griffins outside of augury rock. Playing through campaigns with guildies/friends. Having a guild like a family was amazing.. Met some pretty amazing people in guilds from this game. Even an ex gf haha. Alliance battles & RA. Urgoz. Holiday events. DSTC, 600/smite dual monk farm! I remember the good ol' days when vigor runes were expensive and ettin farming.

Favorite Things Now: 7 Heroes. JQ & FA. DoA. Helping friends. Presearing still! GW Beyond content like WIK & HoTN. Holiday events still. Fun Titles. Grinding my kurzick title to max. Now working on luxon now. Seeing what little friends that are left to talk to and play.

Last edited by wetwillyhip; Nov 04, 2011 at 09:56 PM // 21:56..
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 12:55 AM // 00:55   #44
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Then: My first gold sword, Long Sword, 15-21, some % vs hexed foes. I used that thing for a year! Still have it.

Now: Having Survivor on my first character (Warrior, same one with the sword). Thanks ANET for giving me that chance.

Did it legit too!
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 01:26 AM // 01:26   #45
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My first favorite thing was pre-Searing scenery. I still love that place.
My first favorite item was Gwen's tapestry shred. I didn't know what was that for, but I got it with all of my characters and kept it as if it was some keepsake of sorts. I was very glad when it became something useful later.

My favorite thing now...? Updates. The more the game gets updated, the more I play. If there are no updates for a while, I stop playing for a while. The better the update, the more I play after it.
As for favorite item... I don't have any right now. Each one of my characters have items I like for them, and I don't have one generic item that I like regardless of character.

Last edited by MithranArkanere; Nov 05, 2011 at 01:37 AM // 01:37..
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 01:34 AM // 01:34   #46
Desert Nomad
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+1 for pre searing environment

Looking back, Sorrows Furnace was the best addition to the game and had room for further expansion. Love the Rotscale update too.

Doing Urgoz runs (non-gimmick) with friends probably the highlight of the last 6+ years.
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 02:14 AM // 02:14   #47
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Seems like a lot of people miss their old school farming runs... I wish those runs still were popular, like outside AR, etc.
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 03:57 AM // 03:57   #48
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im gonna say my first guild we went through a lot i left for personal reason and when i returned all had left guild wars and quit and they never recruited replacements and now my newest guild although i dont play once or twice a week they are still quite active and its great to be with a great bunch of people now. the three years in between those guilds were tough for me almost gave up game altogether a couple of times
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 09:49 AM // 09:49   #49
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When you could disguise your EoE bomb to look like iway and rofl when the other team got in range. Alas all the variety has faded and now it's up to dervishes and invoke spikes to play
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 01:51 PM // 13:51   #50
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My favourite thing starting out was the ranger pet. I really liked the idea of having an animal companion and was so commited to it, I had a rune of minor beast mastery in every armour piece by the time I got to Lion's Arch (I didn't know they didn't stack - I was confused by the explanation about how masks do stack but runes don't) despite a complete lack of Beast Mastery skills on my bar (aside from the animal itself - at the time it was both Comfort Animal and Charm Animal) and not enough points in Marksmanship to effectively use my bow. Since then I've realised how terribly ArenaNet designed the ranger class and especially the pet and I miss the days when B/P runs were the popular builds for Sorrow's Furnace and Tombs. These days no-one wants a ranger in the party for end game, let alone a pet.

My favourite thing now is probably heroes. Despite my preference for playing with real people back in Prophecies/Factions days, I can't stand the current meta of PvX wiki builds full of so many PvE skills that aren't even class specific (and thus remove most of the class flavour and gameplay uniqueness from running dungeons) so being able to bring a party of mixed professions with class specific bars all synced to be effective and representative of that class play style while at the same time allowing me to play my class however I want (with my heroes filling the gaps I don't fill), that freedom in any part of the game unlocks a lot of the potential for fun the game has that was simply locked away by either poor player interest or cookie cutter meta builds and speed clears.
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 02:03 PM // 14:03   #51
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Questing in the UW back in 2005:

There was a jerk W/Mo with us. I'll just call him "Jerk."

Team Leader: Come on. Stop rushing!
Jerk: Ha Ha Ha. STFU u noobs!
Me: What's your problem?
Jerk: u. thats my problem
Me: Last warning, buddy.
Jerk: F*UCK U!!!!!!!!
Me: ok.

So then I yank Unyielding Aura and the Jerk drops dead. Everyone on the team laughs themselves silly.

Jerk: OMG WTF?
Team Leader: LMAO. Unyielding Aura?
Me: yep.
Jerk: wtf happened?
Team Leader: looks like you had a heart attack
The rest of the team danced and /jumped up and down on his body as he begged to be rezzed
Me: you're on a time-out. I'll rez you in 30 seconds.

That's probably my single most satisfying moment in the game.
This wasn't the only jerk I did this to, but this guy was completely clueless as to what just happened.

Last edited by Xue Yi Liang; Nov 05, 2011 at 02:24 PM // 14:24..
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 02:10 PM // 14:10   #52
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Obviously Hero Battles, especially because of the ladder and tournament system that allowed anyone to get into competitive PvP..

I'd say i will also miss old green farmings such as sorrow furnace and tombs.... more likely because people did play in order to get the green and equip it, not in order to directly sell the green..

My favourite thing now will be probably testing out diferent kind of builds in JQ( it would be quite lame to just say GvG or HA..)
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Old Nov 05, 2011, 02:20 PM // 14:20   #53
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Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang View Post
Questing in the UW:

There was a jerk W/Mo with us. I'll just call him "Jerk."

Team Leader: Come on. Stop rushing!
Jerk: Ha Ha Ha. STFU u noobs!
Me: What's your problem?
Jerk: u. thats my problem
Me: Last warning, buddy.
Jerk: F*UCK U!!!!!!!!
Me: ok.

So then I yank Unyielding Aura and the Jerk drops dead. Everyone on the team laughs themselves silly.

Jerk: OMG WTF?
Team Leader: LMAO. Unyielding Aura?
Me: yep.
Jerk: wtf happened?
Team Leader: looks like you had a heart attack
The rest of the team danced and /jumped up and down on his body as he begged to be rezzed
Me: you're on a time-out. I'll rez you in 30 seconds.

That's probably my single most satisfying moment in the game.
This wasn't the only jerk I did this to, but this guy was completely clueless as to what just happened.
beast of a move!
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 06:45 AM // 06:45   #54
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Catacombs in pre searing. Certain parts of it are just amazing
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 11:17 AM // 11:17   #55
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Oh I didn't say mine!
Back in time: exploring, discovering new things, being surprised at landscapes, diving into lore etc.
Now: playing with friends, no matter what we do. I see everyone saying the exact opposite, meaning playing with others in the past and heroes saving them now. Instead I played with h/h only for all my first year and most of the time for the rest, and am only now playing almost fulltime with friends. And tbh I even miss the will to play if alone, right now.
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 12:43 PM // 12:43   #56
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Originally Posted by Our Virus View Post
Catacombs in pre searing. Certain parts of it are just amazing
Oh yes, can't wait to see what they have done to them in GW2, the nostalgia shall be amazing!
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 01:01 PM // 13:01   #57
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Originally Posted by Cool Down View Post
Oh yes, can't wait to see what they have done to them in GW2, the nostalgia shall be amazing!
it better be amazinggg! I don't think it will change too much though
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 03:24 PM // 15:24   #58
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I remember when you had to wait for a creature to use a skill before you could apply Signet of Capture. It made capturing Elites seem more special. I kinda miss that sometimes.
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Old Nov 06, 2011, 06:32 PM // 18:32   #59
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Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang View Post
I remember when you had to wait for a creature to use a skill before you could apply Signet of Capture. It made capturing Elites seem more special. I kinda miss that sometimes.
Aww! I had completely forgotten about the old functionality of the Cap Sig...

Back on topic... well, I loved the simplicity way back then. Maybe mine are kind of distorted memories, but people were way less obsessed with efficiency and profit and used to enjoy the game as a simple entertainment.

Off course that couldn't last forever. Once the novelty has worn off, people redirected their interest toward the most disparate objectives.

Today, I search the same relaxing sensations of the early days in good company, which is becoming so hard to find nowadays...

A few good friends that still enjoy spending time with a grump like me is currently the thing I like the most in a game I've probably played way too much in the last few years...
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Old Nov 07, 2011, 03:20 AM // 03:20   #60
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Then: I remember when Thunderhead Keep was a relatively tough mission when only Prophecies was out. I used to dread having to help a guildmate with it, but knew how tough the mission could be with pugs in that day. We eventually ran a life bond build that made it a cakewalk, but those first few times through were pretty tough.

Now: Ran through hard mode with heroes for the bounty and went afk during the defend the fort part, it was kind of sad really.
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